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Iconography Course (Iconography of the Saints)


Formal and Symbolic Analysis in Art - 2 Online Courses


The image itself is a form of communication on its own. Since the beginning of the Ages, in times of persecution or expansion, Mankind has used signs and symbols to communicate a specific message, from the simplest to the most complex.

In our daily lives, we have several examples: a red traffic light means “Stop”; we see a bottle with a black and yellow square or triangle with the flame in the centre and we know that the content of that bottle is flammable; a crossed triangle on the label of a piece of clothing tells us not to use bleach…

Likewise, in the context of Art History and Archaeology, the careful description and interpretation of artistic objects allows us to see something more than what is immediately presented. For instance, an image of a young man with a lily in hand approaching a praying girl ceases to be just that, and becomes a representation of the Annunciation, where the Archangel Gabriel presents himself to Mary, stating that she is pregnant with the Saviour. 

Author: Yolanda Silva
Edition: Citaliarestauro.com 
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