painting analysis | watch some of our videos


With the collaboration of our authors we have shared painting analysis videos. We are now doing a little recap of some of these videos.

With links to painting analysis articles with further development of the topics.

We hope you will be amazed by the genius of some of the most famous artists in art history and that you will find this information useful to you.


painting analysis – 1 – Van Gogh | Starry Night

In this article a different look at Starry Night and its relationship to the emotional condition of Vincent Van Gogh.

A look at the Vincent Van Gogh Painting | The Starry Night

Vincent Van Gogh painted The Starry night during his internment at Saint Paul de Mausole, a psychiatric hospital in Saint Rémy, France. This work is one of the most recognized paintings in the history of Western culture.

In 1889 the first photographs of the night sky were published. The rendering of Venus in this painting matches these published photographs.

painting analysis – 2 – Jan Van Eyck | The Arnolfini Portrait

Jan van Eyck  was one of the most important representatives of Flemish painting. His works fascinate by his artistic quality but also by the incredible technical aptitude. Minute details are one of the most striking features of the artist’s paintings. Get to know this artist and his works.

What does the painting known as The Arnolfini Wedding really represents?

Currently some art historians refute Erviw Panofsky’s analysis. Is it a representation of a marriage contract or not?

The truth is that this small painting demonstrates Jan Van Eyck’s enormous technical mastery. It contains some mysteries that still divide art historians today. Loaded with messages and symbolism, it is undoubtedly one of the artist’s most impressive paintings.

Do you want to learn step by step how to analyze a work of art in both formal and symbolic aspects?

Analysing Art – Online Course with certificate.

painting analysis – 3 – Edgar Degas | The Dance Class

Edgar Degas was a regular frequenter of the Opera of Paris, not only as a spectator but also having backstage access to watch rehearsals. Much thanks to his friendship with Jules Perrot (1810-1892), one of the most respected ballet masters and choreographers of the time – depicted in the painting “The Dance Class”. Read the post about this art work.

A substantial part of Degas’ work focuses on the world of ballet preferring rehearsals and the moments of interlude to stage scenes, depicting the ballerinas in more relaxed or more intimate postures. In this picture, this preference is well present through the postures and individualised expressions of the girls.

