Art historyOnline course

African Art Course – from Rock Art to Modern Era

Estimated time
35 hours

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In the African Art Course you will learn about the history of African art , starting with rock art and those that are considered the first artistic manifestations of humanity until modern Era and the influence of African art in European avant-garde artistic movements.

The History of Art in Africa takes us back to the origins of humanity, the cradle of civilization, the first signs of human cognition, of interacting with the material world and creating visual symbols that represent and interpret them.

Languages:  English

Also available in: Português

African Art Course Online

“Since humankind appears to have originated in Africa, it may well be that art, too, originated here.”

Frank Willett (1997) African Art

How you’ll learn in the African Art Course

The course fee includes 24-hour access for an unlimited time to:

  • Lessons for each topic covered
  • Downloadable ebooks
  • Links to articles, videos and websites
  • Evaluation (1 questionnaire for each module)
  • International Certificate.

Learning objectives – African Art Course


  • To know the manifestations of rock art and its importance for the history of humanity.
  • To know the great African civilizations, their artistic manifestations and their processes of cultural interaction.
  • To know the great changes generated by Christianity and Islam in Africa and their artistic manifestations.
  • Understand the impact of European empires in the modern era in Africa and the influence of African art on European artistic movements.

Who should take the African Art Course

The African Art course is adapted to various audiences, covering professionals in the fields of History, Art History, Fine Arts, Heritage who seek to explore the theme, as well as all those who wish to learn more about the history of African art .

It has no access requirements.


Certificado de Formação. Entidade CertificadaAt the end of the course, a training certificate will be issued. Know more.

We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.



The African Art course price (a single payment) includes all content, assessment and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The course is organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence.

However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

This course consists of 25 lessons that will take you on a fascinating journey through the History of African Art.

An extensive bibliography and webgraphy is provided which, not being necessary to achieve the learning objectives, provides important lines of study and research for all those who want to deepen the themes.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

African Art Course structure

PART 1 – Rock Art

  • Rock Art African Art online course - Rock art
  1. Blombos Cave: Humanity’s first art studio
  2. San art in South Africa
  3. The Pygmy Schematic Art Zone and the Sandawe ‘Island’
  4. Nigerian Rock Gongs
  5. When the Sahara was Green

PART 2 – First Civilizations

  • First Civilizations Monument of kingdom of Kush
  1. The First Urban Centers of the Nile
  2. The Formation of Egypt
  3. Kingdom of Kush
  4. Iron made Cultures of the Niger
  5. The Expansion of Bantu people

PART 3 – Islam and Christianity

  • Islam and Christianity Islamic Monument in Africa
  1. Axum and Christian Ethiopia
  2. Eastern Christianity in Núbia
  3. The Expansion of Islam in North Africa
  4. Islam in the Swahili Coast
  5. Catholic Kongo and the Portuguese

PART 4 – Africa in Modern Era

  • Africa in Modern Era African modern Houses
  1. West African Empires
  2. Bantu Kingdoms and Cultures
  3. Islamic Sultanates and the Kingdom of Ethiopia
  4. From the Cabinet of Curiosities to the Natural History Museum 
  5. The Influence of African Art in Modern Art



Manuela Tenreiro

PhD in History of Art at the School of Oriental and African Studies, I specialized in Arts and Cultures of the African Diaspora in 2008. Previously, I obtained a bachelor degree in visual arts and photography from San Francisco State University, while working as a docent at Diego Rivera’s Pan-American Unity mural (City College). Creator, editor and translator of the online publication while residing in Brazil between 2008 and 2017, I collaborated in various editorial and art education projects, as a writer, translator and researcher. In Rio de Janeiro, I attended Literary Translation courses and the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture at the city’s Federal University. In 2017, I returned to my hometown, Lisbon, where I manage a private art studio with women artists and develop projects writing and translating art history projects.

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