Conservation and restorationHeritage and museologyOnline course

Preventive conservation of cultural heritage – concepts and methods

Estimated time
40 hours

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Learn how to apply methods of preventive conservation and to establish a risk management program.

In the  preventive conservation  course online you will learn about the concepts and methods of preventive conservation in Museums and private collections.

Language - English

Also available in: português | español

Learn how to implement a risk management program with examples, tools and tables for risk registration, assessment and control.

General information

The course fee includes 24-hour access for an unlimited time to:

  • Lessons for each theme of the program
  • Downloadable texts
  • Explanatory videos
  • Evaluation (1 final questionnaire)
  • Certificate.

How we can protect our heritage and prevent its destruction.

Preventive conservation course online

What will you learn in this online course ?

  • In this online course, you will learn about the concepts and methods of preventive conservation .
  • You will learn how to establish a risk assessment program.
  • You will get the methods and tools needed to implement a preventive conservation program for the conservation of cultural heritage .

In addition to the lessons, documents, links, tables, and other materials are provided that will be auxiliaries and tools in your future activities in the area of preventive conservation .

These additional materials will have application in Museums, libraries and other types of collections.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to apply methods of preventive conservation and establish a risk management program.

  • The main notions of preventive conservation internationally accepted
  • The methods that must be used before a variety of situations.
  • The effects of the agents of deterioration on the various materials
  • Methodology for risk assessment
Who should take this online course ?
  • This course is intended for professionals who are engaged in activities related to museology, collectors and antiquarians, archivists, and librarians.
  • It will be very useful for those who have artistic and cultural assets in their custody, in public or private institutions.
  • It is suitable for anyone who wants to adequately preserve works of historical or artistic value.

No access requirements


At the end of the online course , a training certificate will be issued .

Entidade formadora certificadaWe are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity. Know more.



The course price (a single payment) includes all content, assessment and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The course is organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence.

However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses.

Further down this page you can see the complete program of the online course Preventive conservation of cultural heritage.

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

Preventive Conservation Course structure

Unit 1 Preventive conservation

1.1. Preventive conservation Cover Preventive Conservation course - preventing fire

  • General notions
  • Basic principals
  • Institutions

1.2. Preventive conservation plan: what to do and how to implement it?

1.3. Contingency plan

Unit 2 – Preventive conservation plan and risk assessment
  • What is preventive conservation Risk management program
  • Advantages of a preventive conservation plan
  • How to implement an intervention plan: methods and tools
  • Risk assessment methodology
  • Risk assessment tools
  • Practical example of risk assessment
Unit 3 – Agents of deterioration and control measures
  • Universal agents
  • Specific agents
    • Physical agents
    • Chemical agents Boxes for Preventive conservation
    • Biological agents
Unit 4 – Display materials, storage and handling
  • Maintenance
  • Exposure methods
  • Transport and handling
What students say about the course


Susana Mota

Degree in History – Heritage and Post-Graduate in Museology. Has been working in Museology since 1987, namely at the following institutions: Printing Press National Museum, Casa-Museu Abel Salazar (House Museum), Sacred Art and Archaeology Museum – Porto, Episcopal Palace – Porto, Porto Diocese. Roles: conservation and inventory of the museum estate, execution of guided tours, coordination of educational services and staff teams to organise and assemble exhibits. Tutor in Cultural Heritage, Educational Services, Methods of Museological and Archival Inventory, Museography and Preventive Conservation Technical Specialist.

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