The importance of Art Exhibition
The art exhibition is now almost as important as the production of artworks.
It is through the art exhibition that the relationship and communication between the artist and his audience is established.
This package of two courses: Art Exhibition (Art Curating and Art Market) will provide the knowledge and methods needed to exhibit, value and market works of art.
Who should take this course
It is intended for gallerists, visual artists, museologists.
But also to all those who, in different contexts, want to know how to exhibit and valorize art works.
There are no access requirements.
Language: English
The courses fee (1 single payment) includes access 24 hours / day for unlimited time to:
- Lessons for each theme of the programs
- Tutorial videos
- Links to articles, videos and websites
- Assessment (1 final questionnaire per course)
- Certificate (1 certificate per course).
How it works
What you will learn in the 2-course bundle Art Exhibition
Art Curating
Unit 1 – The exhibition of a work of art
- The work of art
- The exhibition of a work of art
- Museums
- Alternative exhibition spaces
- Five exhibitions that went down in history (and one that should not have happened)
Unit 2 – Art curating
- The curatorial activity: concepts and definitions
- The tasks of the curator
- The role of the art critic
- The Team
Unit 3 – Exhibition planning
- Initial Planning
- Establish the theme / concept
- Define audiences
- Select the collection
- Designing an art exhibition project
Unit 4 – Exhibition – From assembly to evaluation
- Assembly
- Communication with visitors
- Preventive Conservation
- Evaluation
Unit 5 – Exhibitions in the digital age
Art Market
Part 1 – Key Concepts – Art Market
Lesson 1 – Art and the Market
Lesson 2 – The Art Market
Lesson 3 – What is a work of art (in a market economy)?
Lesson 4 – Aesthetic Value X Monetary Value
Part 2 – History of the Art Market
Lesson 5 – From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
Lesson 6 – The Rupture with the Academy
Lesson 7 – Modern Art
Lesson 8 – Contemporary art
Part 3 – How the art market works
Lesson 9 – Primary market vs. secondary market
Lesson 10 -The five most expensive works sold at an auction. Until now…
Lesson 11 – The black market of art
PART 4 – Contemporary Trends in the Art Market
Lesson 12 – The art market in the consumer society
Lesson 13 – The Internet and the art market
Lesson 14 – Art Apps and a new trend in aesthetic consumption
Lesson 15 – Art schools and the art market
Lesson 16 – Critics and the art market today
Lesson 17 – The art market: a risky bet

Rute Ferreira
I am an art teacher with a background in theater, art history and museology. I’m also specialized in Distance Education and I work in basic education. I write regularly on the Citaliarestauro.com blog and the Dailyartmagazine.com. I firmly believe that the history of art is the true history of humanity.