Online courseArt analysisHeritage and museology

The Art Market

Estimated time
25 hours

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What is the art market and how does it work?

How to establish the value of a work of art?

How has it progressed and what are the new trends?

Language: English.

Also available in Português | Español

Art Market Course Online

Art is part of human history and has been part of it for thousands of years.

Its place, however, has changed along the way, going from the primary condition of ritual to that of a commercial product.

We know that this change didn’t happen abruptly, but in a progressive and gradual way, and contemporary art is the highlight of this market culture, especially because it is closely linked to a society that has consumption as its main characteristic.


The art market course fee (1 sigle payment) includes 24 hour / day access for unlimited time to:

Lessons for each topic covered
Videos and explanatory presentations
Links to articles and websites
Evaluation (1 final quiz)

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What will you learn in the art market course

In the art market course you will learn how it works through:

  • Reflection on the economics of art, starting with the analysis of the value of works of art .
  • Understanding the distinctions between the aesthetic value and monetary value of the work of art.
  • Analysis of the dynamics of the art market, considering some specific points of the History of Art.
  • Analysis of the primary and secondary markets of art.
  • Understanding of the dynamics of the contemporary market of art and its opportunities.

Who should take the Art Market course

This course is intended for anyone interested in the subject for personal or professional reasons.

The Art Market Course is particularly useful for:

  • art curators,
  • museologists,
  • artists,
  • art historians,
  • gallery owners
  • students of art, art history and museology
  • cultural communication professionals.

However, it is perfectly suitable for anyone who is interested in the topics and wants to understand how the art market works and its evolution.

It has no access requirements.



Certificado de Formação. Entidade CertificadaAt the end of the course, a training certificate will be issued . Know more.

We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.




The course price (a single payment) includes all content and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The certificated course online is organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence. However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Certificated Courses

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

Art Market course program

Part 1 – Key Concepts

Word Art in a wall

Lesson 1 – Art and the Market

Lesson 2 – The Market of Art

Lesson 3 – What is a work of art (in a market economy)?

Lesson 4 – Aesthetic Value X Monetary Value

Part 2 – History of the Market of Art

sunflowers by van Gogh

Lesson 5 – From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

Lesson 6 – The Rupture with the Academy

Lesson 7 – Modern Art

Lesson 8 – Contemporary art

Part 3 – How does it work

Auction of a Picasso painting

Lesson 9 – Primary market vs. secondary market

Lesson 10 -The five most expensive works sold at an auction. Until now…

Lesson 11 – The black market of art

PART 4 – Contemporary Trends

art auction by mobile phone

Lesson 12 – The art market in the consumer society

Lesson 13 – The Internet and the market of art

Lesson 14 – Art Apps and a new trend in aesthetic consumption

Lesson 15 – The role of Art schools

Lesson 16 – The Critics today

Lesson 17 – A risky bet


Rute Ferreira

I am an art teacher with a background in theater, art history and museology. I’m also specialized in Distance Education and I work in basic education. I write regularly on the blog and the I firmly believe that the history of art is the true history of humanity.

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