The aim of the History of Women / Gender online course with certificate is to analyze the figure of women throughout world history, from prehistory to the modern age.
This way, in this it is possible to analyze the situation of women, the concept and evolution in the different historical phases.
History of Women – Gender – online course with certificate
The History of Women and the Place of Women in History
Throughout history, and especially in the historiographical tradition of the 19th century and part of the 20th century, women were not part of the historical narrative.
They were absent from the different events and processes, being an ahistorical and invisible subject.
As Simone de Beauvoir (1906-1986) pointed out in her book The Second Sex (1949): “Women did not have any historical project“.
Thus, women only appeared in cases where there was no other option but to name them.
On many occasions, these women were surrounded by negative labels, their image was manipulated and they were blamed for the events that unfolded, claiming that they had deviated from their role as women, in other words, that they had broken the established norms.
What you’ll find in online course with certificate History of Women / Gender
The price of the course includes 24-hour unlimited access to:
Lessons for each topic in the program
Links and bibliography
Presentations and study documents
Assessment (1 final quiz)
Who should take the History of Women online course with certificate
This course is aimed at people who want to begin or deepen their knowledge about history, particularly the history of women , for their personal or professional development.
It is especially useful for teachers and students of history or cultural communication professionals.
However, it is also suitable for anyone interested in these topics.
There are no access requirements.
At the end of the course, a training certificate will be issued . Know more.
We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.
The course online with certificate price (a single payment) includes all content and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.
The online course with certificate History of Women ( Gender ) is organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence.
However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.
You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses
How it works
Access 24 / 24 hours
Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.
Learn whenever you want!
From any device
Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.
Learn anyplace you want!
For unlimited time
There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.
The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.
Value your knowledge!
Course structure – History of Women | gender
1 – Introduction to the History of Women (gender)
1.1 The origins of the history of women (gender)
1.2 Stages of study and debates in the history of Women /Gender
1.3 How do we conceive of the history of women/gender?
2 – Women in prehistory
Women in Prehistory – Introduction
2.1 Gender Archaeology – How do we see prehistoric women today?
2.2. The ways of life and organization of prehistoric societies: from matriarchy to patriarchy?
2.3 The representation of women in art
2.4 An approach to women at the beginning of time.
3 – Women in Mesopotamia and Egypt
3.1. Women in Mesopotamia
3.1.1 Women and the legal question
3.1.2 Women in the domestic sphere
3.1.3 Women in the workplace
3.1.4 Women and religion
3.2 Women in Egypt
3.2.2 Women in the domestic sphere
3.2.3 Women in the workplace
3.2.4 Women in religion
3.2.5 Women and royalty
4 – Women in Greece and Rome
4.1. The concept of gender in the classical world
4.2. Women in classical literature and mythology
4.2.1 Women in classical literature
4.2.2 Women in mythology and religion
4.3. The prototype of the Greek woman – the Athenian woman
4.4. Another model of woman in Ancient Greece: the Spartan and Gortian women
4.5. The Roman woman
5- Women in the Middle and Modern Ages
5.1. The concept of women in mythology and literature
5.1.1 The fairies
5.1.2 Women in the Arthurian cycle
5.1.3. The trial of Joan of Arc
5.2 The concept in the ecclesiastical and profane spheres
5.2.1 The concept of women in the ecclesiastical sphere
5.2.2 The concept of women in the profane sphere
5.3 Women in medieval/modern society
5.3.1 The marginalized: the prostitute
5.3.2 Peasant/urban women
5.3.3 The nun
5.3.4 The noblewoman
5.4 Witchcraft in Modern Europe
5.4.1 The witch: scope and characteristics
5.5 The first feminist voices
Rocio Rivas Martinez
I have a degree in History (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Egyptology) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Gender), a Master’s degree in Heritage and Tourism Resources and a degree in Management of Cultural Spaces and Projects.
I am also the editor of various digital media related to history, archaeology, art, anthropology and tourism (Khronos Historiay Anthropologies) and have published research/dissemination articles in media such as Tiempo de Historia, Egiptología 2.0, Stilus and Artyhum.
I also have experience as a guide, in preparing cultural dissemination projects, in education (UnPROFESOR,) and in presenting conferences (V Jornadas sobre o Mundo Antigo. APCA and UAM/Torrelaguna Local History Forum).
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