Online courseArt analysisArt history

Understanding Surrealist Art

Estimated time
5 hours

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In the online course “Understanding Surrealist Art ” you will learn how to interpret surrealist art and its concepts, origins and trends.

You will learn:

  • what was surrealist art
  • the origin and essence
  • the concepts of surrealism
  • the Dada movement and its importance for surrealism
  • the themes of surrealism
  • how to interpret surrealist works
  • the main artists

The emblematic artists and works of the Surrealist movement and learn how to analyze works of surrealist art .

Understanding Surrealist Art – Overview

Language – English

Also available in – Português

Includes 24-hour lifetime access for an unlimited time to:

  • Lessons for each theme of the program
  • Evaluation (1 final questionnaire)
  • Certificate.

Who should take this online course ?

  • Students and teachers of art and art history.
  • Artists, art historians, museologists, art curators and professionals in cultural communication and cultural tourism.
  • All those who want to know and understand surrealist art .

No access requirements.


Certificado de Formação. Entidade CertificadaAt the end of the course, a training certificate will be issued . Know more.

We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.




The course price (a single payment) includes all content, assessment and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The course is organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence. However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

Course structure

1 – Surrealism

Lesson 1

Surrealism – history and essence

Lesson 2

The Dada movement and the development of surrealism

Lesson 3

Themes in surrealist art

2 – Analysis of surrealist artworks

Lesson 4

Les Palais des rideaux III (Palace of curtains III), René Magritte

Lesson 5

The Hallucinogenic Toreador, Salvador Dalí

3 – Artists and reference works of Surrealist art

Lesson 9

Artists and reference works of surrealist art.

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