preventive conservation courses online


In the preventive conservation courses online you will learn about the concepts and methods of preventive conservation. How to apply these methods in different materials and environmental conditions.

You will access your preventive conservation courses online through an elearning platform to which you have daily access, 24 hours a day for unlimited timeInternational certificate.

What is preventive conservation?

According to the «Professional Guidelines of European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers’ Organisations»  – «… Preventive Conservation consists of indirect action to retard deterioration and prevent damage by creating conditions optimal for the preservation of cultural heritage as far as is compatible with its social use.

Preventive conservation also encompasses correct handling, transport, use, storage and display. It may also involve issues of the production of facsimiles for the purpose of preserving the original.»

preventive conservation courses

The idea behind the preventive conservation courses is, therefore, to be careful: to prevent preservation problems that might be found in the collections.

And this assumption, inherent in preventive conservation, is common to all those who, directly or indirectly, deal with heritage value and whose actions aim to enhance, preserve and promote heritage.

In other words, care for the memory of the Past so it can have a Future.

At the end of preventive conservation courses , the participants will be able to apply methods of preventive conservation. In order to protect our heritage and prevent its destruction:

  • The main notions of preventive conservation internationally accepted
  • The methods that must be used before a variety of situations.
  • The effects of the agents of deterioration on the various materials
  • Methodology for risk assessment

Preventive conservation courses

1 – Preventive conservation – concepts and methods

We relate Heritage with a people and their material or immaterial goods. Because of the timeless value they express, these goods must be taken care of as fundamental elements of society and culture.

The collective memory is the heritage of our ancestors and it should be transmitted to future generations. This heritage must be preserved and restored and demonstrate, whenever possible, the beauty of the Past. Preventive conservation is a way of preserving our heritage, the memory of all of us.


2 – Preservation of books and documents

Books and documents are part of our heritage and are especially important to us on a personal level, as they can contain invaluable memories.

This course systematizes the ways of identifying the pathologies, knowing the precautions to be taken, the methods and procedures to be applied, the prevention techniques and the ways to minimize the damage, carrying out paper repairs.

3 – Preventive conservation of photography

Apart from being an image, a photograph is a palpable object, which occupies a place in space and requires specific attention, through its physical and chemical composition and the weaknesses that this may entail.

Learning Objectives

◌ Recognise and distinguish the concepts of preservation, conservation and restoration.

◌ Identify and recognise the structure of a photograph (within its different types).

◌ Identify and recognise the most commonly found types of photographs.

◌ Recognise the main factors of common deterioration of photography.

◌ Apply a program destined to control environment and pest infestations.

◌ Recognise the practice of handling procedures and identify the more suitable storage systems for each type of photograph.

◌ Develop and maintain a preservation program for the photographic collection, suited to the types of photographs to which it is destined.

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