Courses packageArt history

61 Curiosities of Art and History – 2 Online Course Bundle

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Want to know the curiosities of art and history?

And 61 personalities, facts and ideas that have marked the history of art.

Save 30% on this bundle of 2 online courses

Language: English

Also available in Português.


Course 1 – Curiosities about the Art History
Curiosities about art and history online course

Learn about the history of art, the most important artists and their masterpieces from art curiosities and unusual facts of history.

From these are built a path that leads the participant to know the history of art in some of its most striking aspects.

From the Ancient Age to the Contemporary Age.

Course 2 – Learn art history from 32 curiosities and unusual facts
Curiosities about art and history online course
Learn about the great artists, the works, the controversies, and the rivalries that mark History and Art in 32 lessons.

Starting with these 32 curiosities of history and art, information is given regarding the most outstanding facts, characters, and works of art, as well as clues for deepening the themes.

Why take online courses on curiosities of art and history?

1 – Because art and history curiosities and unusual facts are a great way to engage our audiences.

At school, on cultural tourism visits, in educational services, or even with family or groups of friends, we know how difficult it is to capture attention at the first moment.

These courses will undoubtedly play an important role.

2 – Because the communication process must have an attractive starting point.

Build communication paths from little-known facts and curiosities of art and history that will be a starting point to deepen the themes you want to develop.

This is the process you will find in each lesson of these two online courses.

Beyond the curiosities themselves you will learn about personalities, works, historical and artistic contexts, movements and trends that have marked the history and history of art .

3 – Because it can go further with research and investigation clues

From these 61 curiosities of art and history you can build your own journey of delving into the topics that interest you most.

4 – Because learning art history can be exciting.

Who should take this online course


Certificado de Formação. Entidade CertificadaAt the end of the course, a training certificate will be issued .

We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.



The course price (a single payment) includes all content, assessment and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The courses are organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence.

However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

Online course 1 – Curiosities

Part 1 – Ancient Ages

1.1 Why there are paintings and statues in Egyptian tombs

1.2 The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb

1.3 How the Egyptian temples were saved

1.4 The sphinx who made a promise

1.5 The optical illusion in the temples

1.6 The reunification of the Parthenon

1.7 The disappeared Roman cities

1.8 The Colosseum and the games

Part 2 – Middle Ages

2.1. The inclination of Pisa Cathedral’s bell tower

2.2. The Chimerae of Notre Dame Cathedral

2.3. The heritage saved by literature

Part 3 – Modern Ages

3.1. Leonardo da Vinci x Miguel Ângelo

3.2. A Special Air Corridor

3.3. The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci (1495-1498)

3.4. One of the greatest patrons in the history of art

3.5. The only artwork signed by Michelangelo

3.6. Great achievements require brilliant minds and give rise to intrigue

3.7. How Michelangelo was criticized

3.8. Palace of Versailles residence of discipline and opportunism

3.9. The greatest proof of love in the world

3.10. Caravaggio, the “protégé“

Part 4 – Contemporary age

4.1. What saved the Eiffel Tower

4.2. Gaudí the eccentric

4.3. Ludwig II the Mad King

4.4. The Sagrada Familia and its legacy

4.5. The Guggenheim’s Unexpected Success

4.6. Van Gogh and the wasted talent

4.7. The creation of abstract art by Kandinsky

4.8. The power of Picasso

Online course 2 – Curiosities

Lesson 1

Damnatio Memoriae – is it possible to erase history?

Lesson 2

Venationes – thousands of wild animals lost their lives in the Coliseum.

Lesson 3

The Basilica that became a Mosque.

Lesson 4

Acqua alta – is it possible to save Venice?

Lesson 5

The flying censer.

Lesson 6

The Chapel that looks like a piece of jewelry.

Lesson 7

Jan van Eyck‘s great invention.

Lesson 8

The Saint who chose his burial place.

Lesson 9

Leonardo da Vinci´s booknotes.

Lesson 10

The many architects of the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Lesson 11

“Don’t touch the relics!” – a king who wanted to be eternal and one of the greatest businesses in history.

Lesson 12

Dissections on behalf of art.

Lesson 13

Michelangelo’s disenchantment with the Sistine Chapel.

Lesson 14

What is the great innovation of the Mona Lisa?

Lesson 15

Benvenuto Cellini – the “outlaw”.

Lesson 16

Rembrandt – from fame to bankruptcy.

Lesson 17

Bernini X Borromini – one of the great rivalries in architecture.

Lesson 18

Jacques Louis David – the “ferocious terrorist“.

Lesson 19

The Giant Heart of Canova.

Lesson 20

The illness that changed the course of art.

Lesson 21

The dedicated architect who was not invited.

Lesson 22

The Inquisition’s Censorship – and its reflections in art.

Lesson 23

Claude Monet – an eye problem and some of the most fascinating works of art.

Lesson 24

The Salon – and the big chance for fame.

Lesson 25

The great risks that Gustave Eiffel took.

Lesson 26

The risky choice of Kandinsky.

Lesson 27

The artist who knew how to use marketing like no one else.

Lesson 28

The architect with a cursed destiny.

Lesson 29

What is the origin of the Louvre Museum‘s collection?

Lesson 30

Paris – the city of disagreement.

Lesson 31

Bold and polemic works that marked the history of art.

Lesson 32

What gives value to the works of art?


Diana Ferreira autora cursos online

Diana Ferreira

Licenciada en Historia del Arte por la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Porto y Maestra en Museología en España (Valladolid). Trabajó en la Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna de Roma y en la dirección de la Galleria de los Uffizi, en Florencia. Con becas de investigación para proyectos en Italia e España, fue formadora y profesora responsable de la  disciplina de Historia del Arte en Oporto e de Introducción al Historia del Arte, Iconografía e Historia de la Arquitectura en la Academia de Artes de Florencia.
En 2014 publicó el libro Guía de los Tesoros Arquitectónicos. Lisboa, Chiado Editora, 2014, fruto de una investigación en profundidad sobre los temas mencionados.

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