Courses packageArt analysisArt historyHeritage and museology

Art communication – 2 courses bundle: Art Analysis + Art curating – Exhibition

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The exhibition of art, whether physical or virtual, is a form of communication par excellence.

But communicating about art and getting our audiences to read the works of art requires all prior work of analysis and interpretation.

Thus, we created this package of 2 courses Art communication – Art Analysis + Art Curating – exhibition – in which you will acquire the necessary knowledge to communicate about art according to the cycle:

art communication process


Learn about art communication based on the analysis and interpretation of works of art.

The 2 courses package includes the online courses: Analysing art and Art curating.

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The bundle of 2 certified online courses Art Communication includes:

Language: English

Also available in:  Português | Español

The course fee ( 2 courses bundle Art Communication ) includes access 24 hours / day for unlimited time to:

  • Lessons for each theme of the programs
  • Downloadable e-books
  • Links to articles, videos and websites
  • Assessment (1 final questionnaire per course)
  • Certificate (1 certificate per course).

Who should take this Online Courses about art communication ? 

The 2 certified online courses are for people who want to learn about art communication .

And who want to deepen or initiate knowledge about ways of exhibiting art and communicating about art based on the analysis of works.

They are particularly suitable for curators, artists, museologists, gallery owners.

But equally useful to all those who want to communicate about art through exhibitions, whatever their size:

Teachers, cultural agents, art and cultural associations, etc.

No access requirements.


Certificado de Formação. Entidade CertificadaAt the end of each course of Art Communication bundle  a training certificate will be issued .

We are a training entity certified by DGERT – Training Entity Certificate No. 1800/2015 – so the certificate has international validity.




The online courses price (a single payment) includes all content, assessment and certificate. The value is exempt from VAT under paragraph 10 of Article 9 of the CIVA.


The 2 online courses Art Communication are organized in parts or modules in order to facilitate the learning sequence.

However, you can freely browse the entire course without any restrictions 24 hours a day, according to your interests and your own work method.

You can consult here the Rules of Operation of Online Courses

How it works


Access 24 / 24 hours

Immediate start. Access every day, 24 hours a day to all content.

Learn whenever you want!


From any device

Optimized for mobile devices. You just need an internet connection.

Learn anyplace you want!


For unlimited time

There is no time limit to complete your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

Get a study and consultation tool!



The course price includes the evaluation and Certificate.

Value your knowledge!

Art Curating – Exhibition

Unit 1 – The exhibition of a work of art

  • The work of art
  • The exhibition of a work of art
  • Museums
  • Alternative exhibition spaces
  • Five exhibitions that went down in history (and one that should not have happened)

Unit 2 – Art curating

  • The curatorial activity: concepts and definitions
  • The tasks of the curator
  • The role of the art critic
  • The Team

Unit 3 – Exhibition planning

  • Initial Planning
    • Establish the theme / concept
    • Define audiences
    • Select the collection
  • Designing an exhibition project

Unit 4 – Exhibition – From assembly to evaluation

  • The Assembly
    • Assembly
      Team training
  • Communication with visitors
    • Labels and panels
    • Composition of texts
    • Multimedia
    • Signage
    • Print media and Apps
  • Preventive Conservation
    • The Preventive Conservation
    • Risk assessment methodology
    • Contingency plan
  • Evaluation
    • Evaluation methodologies
    • Assessment levels

Unit 5 – Exhibitions in the digital age

  • The Exhibitions in the digital age
  • The Google Arts & Culture
  • Digital Art
  • Digital Exhibitions

Analysing Art

1. Analysing Art

a)      Reading / Interpreting

b)      Writing about Art: concepts of visual rhetoric and visual literacy

2. Painting

Elements of formal analysis

1. Identification;

2. Technical data;

3. Thematic;

4. Function;

5. Structure (basic and essential considerations);

6. Composition

  • Contents: iconography and symbolism
  • Thematic categories in painting
  • Practical analysis of a painting (Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, by Thomas Gainsborough)
3. Sculpture

Elements of formal analysis

1. Identification;

2. Technical and structural data;

3. Thematic;

4. Function;

5. Composition.

  • Types of sculpture
  • Practical analysis of a sculpture (Funerary lion (unknown author; c. 350 BC).
4. Architecture

1. Identification;

2. Construction function or purpose;

3. Structure;

4. Relationship between function and structure;

5. Relationship between the history and geography of the construction site and architectural forms.

  • Practical analysis of an architectural work (Central Tejo, Lisbon)

What students say about the online courses that integrate the Art Communication bundle

Analysing Art

Analysing Art

Art Curating – Exhibition

Art curating

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