Surprise your friends with this fascinating offer for all the family. A voucher for the online course Art History for kids
How the gift voucher works
To buy the voucher for the online course Art history for kids
- Click on buy and follow the purchase process.
- Once payment is confirmed, you will immediately receive the gift voucher with a unique code.
- And just offer to someone you want to surprise.
Download the Specimen by clicking on the image below.
To use the online course voucher and start teaching art history for kids
Just follow the directions described in the voucher:
- Follow link to page
- Make the purchase by entering the code
- The value is set to zero and the registration for the course is carried out with the data entered in the registration.
Teaching art history for kids … and adults who like to have fun
In this online course you will learn how to teach art history for kids through simple and appealing explanations.
You will find 28 suggestions for activities that you can develop at school, at the museum, at the educational center and, of course, in the family!
Teaching Art history for kids can be fun!
Explore the great moments and artists that mark the history of art from Prehistory to Modern Art.
Using the creativity and imagination of the little artists.
The proposed teaching art history activities for kids can be adapted to various age groups and lead children to “learn by doing”.
And the course – Teaching Art History for kids – contains a children’s certificate template that you can assign for each activity.
And how we will live this adventure teaching art history for kids
In 10 modules that address remarkable moments / artists / concepts of art history.
Each one contains:
- lessons with simple, fun explanation and lots of images.
- suggested activities and downloadable Pdf support materials.
- a tab dedicated to educators to deepen the themes.
There are no time or access limitations.
The course price includes 24-hours/7 unlimited lifetime access to the mentioned resources and certificate.