The kimono is a garment immediately associated with Japanese culture. But it is not just any garment. Its style, motifs, colors and materials contain symbolic messages and meanings.
Come and discover its history and decode its symbolism in the virtual exhibition in five episodes of the Victoria & Albert Museum.
You can also know its influence in the Western art and the fascination it has generated in some great artists.
Below in this article you can see the 5 episodes of the virtual exhibition with the respective summary of contents.
The kimono in art
Until the 19th century, Japan remained quite isolated from the Western World, thus being closed to its influences and vice versa.
However, with British colonization in the 19th century, the Japanese territory began to open up to external influences and the old Japanese social system was reformed.
Japanese art is discovered by European artists. And, of course, this garment.
See how it was represented by some great artists.
The Courtesan (1887), Vincent Van Gogh (painting based on a Japanese print; Van Gogh Museum, Holland).
Tissot – La Japonaise au Bain (1864), Musée des Beaux arts de Dijon
Claude Monet, Madame Monet in Japanese costume
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