What you will find in the online iconography course at Citaliarestauro?


In the iconography course online learn how to apply methods of iconographic analysis and learn about symbols, representations and attributes of the saints presents in works of art.

Who takes the iconography course ?

The iconography course online is intended for professionals who are engaged in activities related to History and Art History, Museography, Conservation and Restoration, Tourism professionals and all interested in the subject.

However, it is perfectly suited to anyone for those who are interested in the themes and want to increase their culture about history, art history and hagiography.

No access requirements

Why the iconography is important?

The image itself is a form of communication on its own. Since the beginning of the Ages, in times of persecution or expansion, Mankind has used signs and symbols to communicate a specific message, from the simplest to the most complex.

In our daily lives, we have several examples: a red traffic light means “Stop”; we see a bottle with a black and yellow square or triangle with the flame in the centre and we know that the content of that bottle is flammable; a crossed triangle on the label of a piece of clothing tells us not to use bleach…

Likewise, in the context of Art History and Archaeology, the careful description and interpretation of artistic objects allows us to see something more than what is immediately presented. For instance, an image of a young man with a lily in hand approaching a praying girl ceases to be just that, and becomes a representation of the Annunciation, where the Archangel Gabriel presents himself to Mary, stating that she is pregnant with the Saviour. 


In the iconography course online you will find:

  • iconography online course

    Click the image to know the course


  • Tutorial videos.
  • Support texts and downloadable Ebooks
  • Support manuals
  • Ebook Symbols of Proto Christianity
  • Representations of Saints Ebook
  • Glossaries:
  • glossary of clergy robes
  • glossary of saints’ attributes
  • Links databases, consultation and development of themes.
  • Practical exercises.
  • Bibliography and webgraphy.
  • Evaluation (1 final questionnaire)
  • Certificate

Learning Objectives iconography course online

• Recognise and distinguish the concepts of iconography and iconology.

• Identify and recognise characters and scenarios, using the iconographic analysis method.

• Identify literary and graphic sources important to the iconographic reading.

• Before a practical case, apply the iconographic method in all its levels of reading

• Recognise and contextualise characters and episodes of Christian hagiography.

Course program iconography course online

PART 1 – First Notions

1. First notions: Icon, Iconography and Iconology

2. The evolution and definition of the Iconography as an area of study

3. The Panofsky method

PART 2 – Christian Iconography

1 – Art and Christianity – the image as a vehicle for a message

2 – Graphic and written sources

3 – The first symbols of Christianity

PART 3 – Iconography of the Saints

1. Saints and martyrs: General aspects

2. Clerical vestments

3. Most veneered Saints: symbols and attributes

Duration – 35  hours (estimated time)


Free (online 24/24 hours). All contents are constantly available for inlimited time.


We are a certified training organization. Our certificates are valid internationally as they are complying with the certification rules of the European Union


Learn more about art history and art analysis

