We are going to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about how an art history online course works at Citaliarestauro.com.
1 – What can I find in an art history online course ?
In an art history online course in this area you can:
- know artistic movements and styles.
- artists and works that have marked our history.
- the moments of continuity and artistic rupture.
- the historical framing of artistic movements.
- the methods of analysis and interpretation of works of art.
- the various levels of art analysis.
And we have different art history and art analysis themes for you
2 – What is the duration and schedule of an art history online course ?
In reality, it is the student who decides how much time he will devote to the course and defines his own schedule.
You have 24/7 access to all content. There is no time limit for taking your course. And you can access it whenever you want and as often as you like.
But on the courses’ pages a duration is indicated. What does it mean?
It’s just a duration estimated by us, that is, the time we anticipate it will take to learn the contents. And the number of hours that will appear on your certificate.
But remember. In Citaliarestauro.com‘s art history online courses, we go far beyond classes.
The courses contain other resources, which you can use whenever you want, and forever, and which are clues for deepening the themes and for future consultation. Can be:
- External links
- Glossaries
- Tables, diagrams and support materials
- Articles related to the themes
- Bibliography and Webgraphy
Discover the courses we have for you on art history and art analysis
3 – When and how can I start my art history online course ?
Whenever you want. All online courses that are on the Citaliarestauro.com website are available for immediate start.
Which means that you just make the purchase and, when the payment is confirmed, you receive a confirmation with a direct link to your online art history course(s) and just click to start.
From that moment on, all your courses are available from your client space, by clicking on the icon on the upper right side of the page.
4 – What is a certified training institution?
We are a training entity certified by DGERT (Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security – Portugal) – Training entity certificate nº 1800/2015.
This means that:
- our certificates are valid for all legal purposes and skills qualification
- our certificates are valid internationally as they are complying with the certification rules of the European Union
- strict rules and principles in educational and organizational terms are respected.
- all regulations under legal and fiscal point of view are respected, as well as those concerning the payments.
- that courses are followed by quality management processes and are subject of continuous assessment.
5 – And if you have any questions?
You will never be alone. You can put your doubts or questions through our contacts. Or directly to the course author via email.
6 – Can I take an art history online course ?
Of course yes. Our courses do not have entry requirements. You just need to want to learn and, in any situation, we are always available to support your study.
And they are equally adapted to professionals dedicated to activities related to the History and History of Art, Museology, Conservation and Restoration, Tourism professionals and anyone interested in the subjects.
It is also an important element of support for students and teachers.
Get to know the courses and course packages
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Free online course – Edgar Degas and the Impressionism…